VGA console video configuration
I have pfsense system that I built from a D2500 SBC. It has a VGA output, and I hooked up my old Nokia Multigraph 446Xpro monitor to it. The video refresh rate is a paltry 31.5kHz, which allows text to limited to about 80 characters across the screen… barely enough for the "*** Welcome to pfSense..." banner to display on a single line.
Is there a way thru the Shell interface to drive higher resolution video?
It looks like the vidcontrol command works to display video status, but I cannot get it to change video mode
I got a list of supported modes with this command
vidcontrol -i mode | more
However, I can't pick the mode. I have tried the following and the only response I get is the command line usage for vidcontrol.
vidcontrol mode
vidcontrol mode 80x25
vidcontrol mode 80x60
vidcontrol mode 0Am I missing a flag? or?
The follow on to the question on how to temporarily change the video mode of the console is how to change to the default boot confiiguration. Ideally, for a packaged system like pfsense, that change should be stored in the XML configuration, with an appropriate webconfigurator user interface.
The text console is a very low priority for a firewall system, it's deemed enough if it works and the default settings result in a readable console screen.
However, I can't pick the mode. I have tried the following and the only response I get is the command line usage for vidcontrol.
vidcontrol mode
vidcontrol mode 80x25
vidcontrol mode 80x60
vidcontrol mode 0Am I missing a flag? or?
Just installed 2.3.4 and had to set this at runtime myself now.
I had the same error until I realized I had to type "vidcontrol MODE_283"
I.e. the "MODE" must be written in uppercase!EDIT: You can also use the plugin "Shellcmd" to set the resolution at boot time: -
Thanks Per Hansson! Now I can read most of the pfsense startup messages, do a useful pftop, display the firewall log, etc.
I know some active members of the forum have a different opinion about implementing the console interface, but my experience has always been, better safe than sorry.
![Video startup fix.jpg](/public/imported_attachments/1/Video startup fix.jpg)
![Video startup fix.jpg_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/Video startup fix.jpg_thumb)