Augmeting OpenVPN DNS with and
I have OpenVPN (PureVPN) configured and it works well… generally. However, lately, they have been having some issues with DNS. So, while the main connection works fine, I wanted to "augment" the DNS that is sent over by OpenVPN with additional Google DNS servers. In those cases, when OpenVPN DNS fails to respond.
I remember when originally setting up OpenVPN in 2.3.3, I could not get the DnsLeak test to pass as it kept going to other DNS services outside my OpenVPN setup. Finally, I got it to work by telling DNS Resolver that the outgoing network should be via ONLY PureVPN. So, now, I want to go back to where, in addition to the OpenVPN DNS are consulted during the lookup.
No matter what I do in the 2.3.4, I cannot get it to work. I am posting pictures of what I think to be relevant setups/configurations and I have a suspicion it has something to do with my firewall rule. But I am not sure how to resolve.
General setup, with and configured
DNS Resolver Configuration
DHCP configuration for LAN
Firewall rules for LANWhat am I missing? In addition to the DNS provided by PureVPN, I want to also send queries to and, but all the queries are going ONLY to the PureVPN DNS.
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