LTE mPCIe module hardware solution (cellular failover)
Another nice tool I found while searching the internet:
I had gpsd working with my MC7700. On pfSense packages are limited so only some features from it work(no perl). xgps does work.
No PPS so as a time server it is limited. Found it good for Arm with RTC modules keeping poor time.
With AT commands you can set which antenna jack to use for GPS signal. So instead of using the dedicated GPS antenna jack you can set it to ANT2 and use the data antenna built into a laptop to receive GPS signal. The AT command is in the Extended AT Command Guide.
I am wondering why you are trying to get the MC7700 going on T-Mobile.
If you notice my post on the first page MC7700=ATT and MC7710=TMobileIt should still work but I doubt it will get LTE. It will fall back to 3G in the 1900-2100 frequency range.
MC7710 is more expensive. So much so you should consider the MC7354/MC7355 for TMobile. -
Just to add my understanding here, with the cm & em7455 and perhaps it matches with other models, is that they sell them with carrier approved firmware's with different product codes, however its all the same hardware so you can refresh with either generic of carrier specific firmware. I tried to get my EM7455 to register on ATT network using the carrier specific firmware and couldn't, I had to use generic and configure ATT settings to connect which i think has something to do with approved devices on the plan I am using.
Certainly the price for the Dell & Lenovo variations of the EM7455 is half the Sierra Wireless model (80usd vs 150usd) but they can easily be changed between variations as needed. The only pain is that on reset the Dell and Lenovo models revert to their original status codes and need reconfiguring. Once up and running, they are the same. Thats my current understanding. -
Just to add my understanding here, with the cm & em7455 and perhaps it matches with other models, is that they sell them with carrier approved firmware's with different product codes, however its all the same hardware so you can refresh with either generic of carrier specific firmware. I tried to get my EM7455 to register on ATT network using the carrier specific firmware and couldn't, I had to use generic and configure ATT settings to connect which i think has something to do with approved devices on the plan I am using.
Certainly the price for the Dell & Lenovo variations of the EM7455 is half the Sierra Wireless model (80usd vs 150usd) but they can easily be changed between variations as needed. The only pain is that on reset the Dell and Lenovo models revert to their original status codes and need reconfiguring. Once up and running, they are the same. Thats my current understanding.Do you have step by step directions for how to do this?
I am wondering why you are trying to get the MC7700 going on T-Mobile.
If you notice my post on the first page MC7700=ATT and MC7710=TMobileIt should still work but I doubt it will get LTE. It will fall back to 3G in the 1900-2100 frequency range.
MC7710 is more expensive. So much so you should consider the MC7354/MC7355 for TMobile.The Cradlepoint IBR650-LP4 that I am using has a MC7700 and I am using with tmobile with ATT firmware and it has no problem with 4G or LTE speeds.
I ordered the wrong was do to a miscommunication that the IBR650 was Tmobile certified but it only has firmware for ATT and Verizon but we have had it in use for more than 2 weeks using tmobile sim and no issues. Cradlepoint support said it would work.
Should be receiving my antenna's today for LTE. Have yet to order GPS Antenna.
Question with regards to GPS. I am not concerned about millisecond accuracy. I am concerned with accuracy in the 30 second to 1 minute range. I have fixtures with no real time clock and their programming needs to know what time it is. If power goes out and internet does not come back I need to make sure they get accurate time but not millisecond timing.
So not working as expected. Will post logs. Funny thing is AT commands look to show it working when using the USB device. I am even able to send a txt message and get IP.
+CGDCONT: 1,"IP","","",0,0
Following connection profiles are available,
CID-> 1
PDP Type->IP
PDP Address->
Data Compression->0
Header Compression->0–-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Checking registration status...AT+CREG?
+CREG: 0,1
The device is registered in home network.
Checking SMS Mode...
+CMGF: 0
SMS message for is configured for PDU mode
Checking SMS Mode...SMS Service center entry is empty.Not including this field in the PDU
+CMGS: 1
SMS Send successful
+CREG: 0,1
The device is registered in home network.Checking if device is already connected...
+CGACT: 1,1
Device is already connected
Device is connected.
IP Address of the connected profile is -
my notes are really sketchy on this, Ive been meaning to find time to go back and verify. This is for my EM7455 which I converted from a Dell 5811 module to native Sierra Wireless device - but like I said, without finding time to go back and verify I can be certain this is a full set of instructions.
AT!ENTERCND="A710" AT!USBPID=9071,9070 AT!USBVID=1199 AT!USBPRODUCT="EM7455" AT!PRIID="9904802","001.001","Generic-Laptop" AT!RESET
ok finally got it working. My interface was 04 and not 03. Trial and error!
No how do I set it as the default gateway?
Now if we could only take advantage of SMS alerting!
Having issues getting multiwan set up with dynamic WAN and PPP. Any suggestions? Not the same as Static IP as I am used to for businesses. Never dealt with dynamic multi-wan
You can do SMS messaging with Ubuntu ModemManager GUI and Windows Sierra Watcher.
I am concerned with accuracy in the 30 second to 1 minute range. I have fixtures with no real time clock and their programming needs to know what time it is. If power goes out and internet does not come back I need to make sure they get accurate time but not millisecond timing.
You will be fine with the GPS time for this accuracy. Even with minimal coverage.
For LAGG failover I have used WAN Ethernet as Primary and OPT1/PPP as Secondary. I had to setup something to ping out on the modem to keep the connection active or they release the IP.
Not sure what LAGG failover is I set up the firewall with wan group and did broadband as Tier1 and LTE as Tier2. IS LAGG a different way of doing multiWan failover?
You mentioned changing the GPS output to the Aux port. The MC7700 comes with 3 antenna connection options. Primary, GPS and AUX. What would be the purpose of changing the GPS output?
I had gpsd working with my MC7700. On pfSense packages are limited so only some features from it work(no perl). xgps does work.
No PPS so as a time server it is limited. Found it good for Arm with RTC modules keeping poor time.
With AT commands you can set which antenna jack to use for GPS signal. So instead of using the dedicated GPS antenna jack you can set it to ANT2 and use the data antenna built into a laptop to receive GPS signal. The AT command is in the Extended AT Command Guide.
Does this mean I cannot use the built in NTP Server with GPS option?
NTP should work fine with it. You just need to figure out which cuaU0.x port the GPS is streaming to after enabling it with AT commands.
ok seems I have more work to do. It looks like I have to enable GPS? Or is it enabled by default and is it a simple AT command or do I have to run some special software?
More digging. When connected to windows I do have a NMEA port which just spit something out. Not sure if that is the com port I need to use or another…
Found commands to enable and will try. Gps antenna to arrive Thirsday.
Thank you for all the help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I unscrewed m antenna's to see what would happen and then connect them back. ppp0 went down and would not come back up even after restart. I had to shutdown completely and disconnect power. Is this common or a separate issue?
So I got GPS enabled ans set to autostart but either I I am doing something wrong in pfsense because I cannot get it to work. connected proper GPS antenna to the MC7700. When looking on windows at NMEA port it is spitting out tons of data.
Another oddity is the location it is showing seems to be hard coded to China!