Lua error in installer with latest snapshot
Trying to install to a HD with a pfSense-20081027-1536 ISO.
Get a question after partitioning and such, "Would you like to set up a GEOM mirror?"
Answer, "No, thanks", and get (was writing error by hand and didn't copy the full paths):
An internal Lua error error occurred while trying to run the script /long/path/main.lua
/long/path/flow.lua:278: Step object 'table:0x282adfe0" does not exist in this Flow.
EDIT Also happens with 20081027-0008 snap.
This only happens when I have a USB thumb drive plugged in. It looks like it sees a second storage device and asks if I want to do GEOM. So the workaround is to boot without the USB stick.
I can confirm this. It only happens with two drives plugged in…
Also happens with 20081026. Maybe goes back a ways? I just hadn't booted the installer with a USB stick plugged in before…
Fixed. please try next snapshot
Rock on.
Next time I'm doing an install I'll be sure to try it with the USB stick connected.