Authentification LDAP Connector to Active Directory Issue
I have a new Netgate SG-8860 1U with pfSense 2.3.4 and have tried to get a LDAP authentication connector working the same as another older pfSense running version 2.3.2 which is working. When I test it in the user manager it pass's with no problems, but when I test it on the Diagnostic Authentication screen I with a username and password it fails every time. The connector is configured the same as the earlier version that is working but still does not work. See attached screenshot of the setup, I am thinking that something has changed in the new version but have not been able to figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.

The secret to getting it to work was to change the following items.
Base DN: DC=MyDomain,DC=com
Authentication containers: OU=Customers,DC=MyDomain,DC=com
Group member attribute : memberOf=cn=VPN,OU=Customers,DC=MyDomain,DC=com