Which PCI express gigabit NIC for pfsense?
Normally I'd go straight for the Intel, but there seems to be some question as to whether the driver would work.
If you have any other suggestions please post them, it has to be gigabit, PCI express (all I have open), and low profile. (quite limiting requirements isn't it?)
If it were me I'd shell out for this one or opt for the dual interface Intel card. I am not aware of any driver issues with Intel at this time, but I could be mistaken. We use one of the dual port cards and it is fantastic.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833106015There is also a quad version, but I know there have been problems with pfSense recognizing four interfaces on the same NIC in the past…perhaps they have been remedied by now.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833106020 -
Just a note, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833106015 is for PCIEx4, NOT x1, physically unable to fit x1 slot.
mhab12 thanks for the suggestions, but it really isn't that critical of a router. I just want something better than the SOHO one I have now. Plus they aren't low profile ;)
I've searched and searched and have found that the 82572 Intel chipset is supported in FreeBSD 7 (using 1.2.1), but cant find if the 82572GI is. The Intel Pro/1000 MT Desktop adapters fall within that, but the Intel Pro/1000 PT has the 82572GI.
I know they are not PCI express, but I have had really good luck with the Linksys EG1032 cards.
Just a bump to let anyone who wants to know, the Intel Pro/1000 PT (82572GI) works PERFECTLY in 1.2.1, even in my PCIE x 16 slot ;D