Global server load balancer
Hi everybody thanks for allowing me to discuss in this forum,
we have two data-centers at different geographical location hosting WEB SERVERs ( main and stand by site). Both sides Pfsense is used as gateway ..
The public ip is as follows… main datacentre web server standby datancentre web serverNow i want to make HA between these two sites. So that, the service will not be hampered , even if one site is down..
I tried to create DNS entry with these two ip at ISP DNS for , but it is resolving in round robin manner and clients will not automatically fall into other datacentre unless i run flush dns command in PCs.
I have Vpn connectivity between these two data-centers..
Please provide a solution where can i make global server load balancer between these two IPs and one should resolve the live datancentre web server , if other site fails..
any help is greatly appreciated