[Soekris net5501] Boot problem
Hello all,
I ve just installed PfSense on a CF like i had installed M0n0wall (who works) :
zcat pfSense-1.2-Embedded.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sdc bs=16k
When I try to boot, i ve this message :
comBIOS ver. 1.33 20070103 Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Soekris Engineering.
0512 Mbyte Memory CPU Geode LX 500 Mhz
Pri Mas SanDisk SDCFB-32 LBA 490-4-32 31 Mbyte
Slot Vend Dev ClassRev Cmd Stat CL LT HT Base1 Base2 Int
0:01:2 1022 2082 10100000 0006 0220 08 00 00 A0000000 00000000 10
0:06:0 1106 3053 02000096 0117 0210 08 40 00 0000E101 A0004000 11
0:07:0 1106 3053 02000096 0117 0210 08 40 00 0000E201 A0004100 05
0:08:0 1106 3053 02000096 0117 0210 08 40 00 0000E301 A0004200 09
0:09:0 1106 3053 02000096 0117 0210 08 40 00 0000E401 A0004300 12
0:14:0 104C AC23 06040002 0107 0210 08 40 01 00000000 00000000
0:20:0 1022 2090 06010003 0009 02A0 08 40 80 00006001 00006101
0:20:2 1022 209A 01018001 0005 02A0 08 00 00 00000000 00000000
0:21:0 1022 2094 0C031002 0006 0230 08 00 80 A0005000 00000000 15
0:21:1 1022 2095 0C032002 0006 0230 08 00 00 A0006000 00000000 15
1:00:0 100B 0020 02000000 0107 0290 00 40 00 0000D001 A4000000 10
1:01:0 100B 0020 02000000 0107 0290 00 40 00 0000D101 A4001000 07
1:02:0 100B 0020 02000000 0107 0290 00 40 00 0000D201 A4002000 10
1:03:0 100B 0020 02000000 0107 0290 00 40 00 0000D301 A4003000 071 Seconds to automatic boot. Press Ctrl-P for entering Monitor.
No /boot/loaderFreeBSD/i386 boot
Default: 0:ad(0,a)/boot/kernel/kernel
No /boot/kernel/kernelFreeBSD/i386 boot
Default: 0:ad(0,a)/boot/kernel/kernel
boot:I ve chek to the BootTroubleShooting guide, but nothing to do.
Is anyone can help me ?
1.2.1 rc2 could be a start
keyword net5501 -
I try the RC2 the RC4 … nothing to do. When i try with an RC* the Soekris does not see the OS, it boot on the bios. Sorry but I didn't see what to do :/
I had try all that :
pfSense-Full-Update-1.2.1-RC2-20081109-1312.tgz??? ??? ???
In reality all the .tgz that I "zcat and dd" won't be copied in my CF.
When I try with a .img.gz the files are copied into the CF. I don't know why.
How can i execute "zcat file.tgz | dd of=/dev/sdc bs=16k" correctly ?So when i do
pfSense-1.2-RC4-Embedded.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sdc bs=16k
(or RC2) the box boot but the problem stay the same.
FreeBSD/i386 boot
Default: 0:ad(0,a)/boot/kernel/kernel
boot: No /boot/kernel/kernelPlease help me I doesn't find anything on the forum :/ Thanks
Pri Mas SanDisk SDCFB-32 LBA 490-4-32 31 Mbyte
Um, Is that a 32 MB flash card?? You need at least a 128 MB card for 1.2.
Yes in effect, I had see that Sunday evening :p ::) ::) ::)
And now all works good :]
Hum Is there a bug in the menu ? I can't acces to Diagnostic / Firmware / General Setup / … It appears when I drag the mouse on the 'System' button, but disapear when I try to touch it :p And Appears a 'ARP Table / Backup / Command / ... / ... ' menu. I'm using Firefox 3, I will try with Konqueror.
Yes it's a bug. With Konqueror I have a new menu what i hadn't with firefox3, the menu 'Diagnostic' :p
So with Knoqueror all works. :-\