MULTI-WAN HA Bandwidth Usage happening only on one WAN
There is no difference in the load balancing algorithms if you are using HA or not using HA.
Something else must have changed in the policy routing along the way resulting in the behavior you are seeing.
As far as i know … no changes are made except the HA carp config .... Could you give me a tips or pointer...
what i should look out for .... -
Just check the rules that policy route to the load balance gateway group. Check the outbound NAT. Are the users complaining?
Yes user are complaining also when WAN1 get saturated … the dpinger to check the WAN1 availability will get timeout and it will in turn remove it from the routing table....
and it happen atleast two or thrice a day.... -
Well without seeing your configuration it is going to be impossible to know what you did wrong.
Below is our config:
Lagg0 ig0 to ig3
VLAN on Laggo
VLAN 1 to 63
LAN group : VLAN3 to 60
WAN1: 70 mbps
Firewall Rules: Gateway group : protocol : any Source:any Port:any Destination:any Port:any Gateway : MULTIWANTraffic shaping for MultiWAN MultiLAN is enable…
Apart from this :
PowerD Hiadaptive is enable
Flush state when gateway down is enable
Gateway switching is enable
WAN Reply-to is enable....Please let know if you need any more info.....
That all looks like it should work fine. There must be a mistake made in the actual configuration somewhere.
now i change the weigh on each WAN …
WAN1 (default gateway) 70mbps i change the weight to 2
and WAN2 60 mbps to weight 12and WAN1 usage 80 to 60 %
WAN2 usage 20 - 40 %i actually increase the weigh on the smaller pipeline...
The only think I can think of is there are services on the firewall that are using WAN1, since those services cannot be policy routed.
You will probably have to look at what is actually using the traffic. If it is things sourced from the firewall (like VPN traffic) you might have to make some adjustments there.
The load balancer has no way to know how much traffic a state is going to generate when it is established and the interface is chosen. It distributes states, not traffic.
I do have natted ip routed only to WAN2 … and all personal devices too routed to WAN2 .... and the rest to WAN1+WAN2 ....
i just finish adding a failover to WAN group .... so now VLAN 3 to 23 are on MULTIWAN
and VLAN24 to 62 are on WAN2 hopefully this is increase the utilization on WAN2 ....LAN GOUP 1 = VLAN3 to 23 = MULTIWAN
and regarding services we have unbound and snort packages running on our pfsense ....