Can a Netgate RCC-DFF 2220 device be built?
Have had this device for a long time and over the years it has been many modules and firmware upgrades.
The last firmware upgrade was painful, involved a factory restart and reinstating the 'wheel' group which was a concern.Currently having regular issues with the device becoming unresponsive. my issues may be the result of some leftover code from an old version or package.
Is there a way to clear the OS and start again? Factory reload is for settings, want to get more aggressive.
Backup your configuration
Install pfSense:
Restore your configuration.
You want this image:
Thank you for that.
The wiki page had some holes in terms of explaining the steps but a google search on the correct terms filled in all the blanks. Shame you need to have a login to update the wiki, prevents people from making quick suggested edits.
Using screen as a serial terminal is amazing on OSX.