Replacing a Cisco Router/VLAN
"When I replace the cisco with pfsense, is my thinking correct that automatic outbound NAT is all that is needed at that level?"
Depends - you need to make sure that pfsense will nat any downstream networks you have running, etc. You will want to verify that your outbound nats reflect any downstream networks you have in play. And that the rules on the interfaces used to talk to those downstream networks allow traffic to them from the downstream networks.
OK, now I am a bit confused. So there are downstream devices for each segment Each has a pfsense firewall in place. So network1 is setup with the wan port having an ipaddress of xxx.176.12.2/28 and uses a gateway of xxx.176.12.1 There are numerous servers on the lan side, so I have manual outbound nat in place so that when the server at routes traffic out it gets translated to xxx.172.12.3 and when the server at sends traffic the translation is to xxx.176.12.4 etc.
On the top level PFSense box, I have the WAN interface defined with a default gateway of xxx.177.151.25 I then have 7 additional interfaces of which one is set as xxx.176.12.1/28
My thinking has been that when the server at routes a packet, the sublevel pfsense box will translate the address to "know" that when the packet is returned to the WAN interface (xxx.176.12.2) for xxx.176.12.3 it needs to then be directed to
Now when that same packet reaches the top-level pfsense box it merely needs to add a translation so that any package that falls in the subnet for network1 needs to be sent to xxx.176.12.2.
I can't think of any reason that the top-level box will need to know anything about how the devices on network1 are defined and NATed. unless there were multiple pfsense boxes on the same network segment, then the top-level pfsense will need manual rules in place to translate the traffic from both devices. If there is just one pfsense box on each sub-segment, then auto nat should work. Is there something here I am missing?
Why would you be doing nat at downstream rfc1918 networks?? That is not normal setup..
Unless you were not in control of these downstream networks and there was an overlap, or you were trying to work around some sort of asymmetrical routing issue why would you nat between rfc1918 space on your own network?
Normally when you create a gateway to downstream network pfsense will create the nat rule for these downstream networks, but you would still have to address the rules. And if you have when to hybrid or manual mode on your outbound nat you might have to create them so its always best to check!! But if you are natting the downstream networks - why would you need to create routes in the first place??
If you are natting these downstream networks pfsense would never see IP other than the transit network that connects them. So no routes would be needed to these downstream networks - unless you had downstream networks to this downstream nat point..
To be honest sounds like you have a MESS ;)
Just to summarize. I have a client that has a large office building with a number of floors and offices. They currently have a fiber connection with a cisco router that is set up with a series of Vlans for the different floors. The building has a 128 public ip addresses and each floor has a subnet with some assigned portion of these addresses. Each of the floors/tenants has a pfsense firewall in place that provides network services for whatever company is located on that floor. Each has a separate network with a mix of clients and servers. This setup which had evolved over time has worked well for almost 10 years with constant changes as companies and requirements come and go. In essence the building owner is a mini ISP. The fiber has been upgraded to 100mps and the cisco router is only a 10mps device. The building owner wants me to put a pfsense box in its place. All I am trying to do is to mimic the same configuration that the cisco router provided. I have a box with 8 intel lan ports and I configuring it for this purpose. Ideally I would get rid of the other pfsense boxes and move everything to this one device, however, each office/floor is managed by different organizations. They have their own configuration and often an IT type person who manages their network. I may have a mess, but it is the same mess that has been in place for many years.
If you are providing public IP addresses to downstream pfSense (or other) firewalls and those downstream devices have RFC1918 networks inside and are performing NAT to their public addresses on their WAN interfaces, then you want to NOT perform NAT on the upstream pfSense node.
In fact, you want to provide very little firewalling at all. Protect the pfSense web gui, ssh, etc and pass everything else.
I would use Hybrid outbound NAT mode for that. Place Do Not NAT rules for the public networks you are routing downstream.
That way you can NAT something if you have to (which would not be possible if you just disabled NAT altogether.)You could also use Manual outbound NAT and delete/disable the rules for the networks you don't want to NAT for.
If all of the downstream /28 networks are contained in the same /24 you can just use the /24 summary network for the NAT bypass.
(I would still use a transit network to a Layer 3 switch for this. LACP a couple of those ports to the switch and you'd be golden.)
^ exactly… Well stated!
Depending on your needs, you wouldn't even have to nat their downstream rfc1918 address space to their public. Does this rfc1918 space behind their downstream need internet at all? If so prob best to nat it at the edge, this would give you more insight/control over these downstream devices go on the internet. But if they want/need internet from these rfc1918 networks then yeah those could be natted to their public transit IP you setup.
Did you slice up part of your public space or are you using rfc1918 as transit to these downstream that have public on them?
"All I am trying to do is to mimic the same configuration that the cisco router provided."
This is not always the best approach, even if its been in place for 10+ years.. The replacement of your cisco would be/is the perfect time to address your design and make any changes that provide for better control, adheres to current standards, takes advantages that are now possible vs what would of be designed 10 years ago, etc.
It would be easier and simpler design to break it up at the edge and remove the need for any downstream routers per customer, unless they wanted to use some rfc1918 space and control its nat and access, etc.. Or breakup their /28 even more, etc.
If they have downstream routers/firewalls firewalls that are performing NAT he can give zero about what RFC1918 networks are behind them.
^ very true!
Thanks for all the good advice and helping me work through the configuration. My mandate is to get the new box in place quickly and have it result in no impact to the various offices, other than providing a 10 fold increase in bandwidth (hence my desire to just replace what is there). Once I get this in place I can start the long tedious process of redoing the master design. However as you can imagine with a dozen entities involved the process is worse then herding cats - more like herding squirrels.
Scheduling a maintenance window and doing it right the first time is often the best way to go.
Sometimes the dog needs to wag the tail, not the other way around.