Embedded alix fails on 1.2.1-RC2
When I upgrade from 1.2 final to 1.2.1-RC2 it upgrades and then when the firewall reboots i get
invalid kernel
Don't upgrade. Pull the card and re-image it. The embedded upgrades are there for testing and probably won't work.
Don't upgrade. Pull the card and re-image it. The embedded upgrades are there for testing and probably won't work.
Yep, we do not recommend embedded upgrades even though they exist because some folks might end up with a dead unit on the top of mountain top.
I was warned..
But i tried a embedded upgrade from RC1 to RC2:
Enter the URL to the .tgz update file: > http://snapshots.pfsense.org/FreeBSD7/RELENG_1_2/pfSense-Embedded-Update-1.2.1 -RC2-20081114-1544.tgz Fetching file size... File size: 24089689 Fetching file... looking up snapshots.pfsense.org connecting to snapshots.pfsense.org:80 requesting http://snapshots.pfsense.org/FreeBSD7/RELENG_1_2/pfSense-Embedded-Upd ate-1.2.1-RC2-20081114-1544.tgz remote size / mtime: 24089689 / 1226682893 /root/firmware.tgz 100% of 22 MB 83 kBps 00m00s Fetching MD5... looking up snapshots.pfsense.org connecting to snapshots.pfsense.org:80 requesting http://snapshots.pfsense.org/FreeBSD7/RELENG_1_2/pfSense-Embedded-Upd ate-1.2.1-RC2-20081114-1544.tgz.md5 remote size / mtime: 115 / 1226682907 /root/firmware.tgz.md5 100% of 115 B 52 kBps URL MD5: 1018bf87aa14b5a4a809b21d508959bf Downloaded file MD5: 1018bf87aa14b5a4a809b21d508959bf MD5 checksum matches. One moment please... Invoking firmware upgrade... pid 313 (sshlockout_pf), uid 0: exited on signal 11 pid 1483 (ntpd), uid 0: exited on signal 11 pid 1482 (ntpd), uid 123: exited on signal 11 PC Engines WRAP.1C/1D/1E v1.11 640 KB Base Memory 130048 KB Extended Memory 01F0 Master 044A CF 1GB Phys C/H/S 1966/16/63 Log C/H/S 983/32/63 //bboooott..ccoonnffiigg:: --DDConsoles: internal video/keyboard serial port BIOS drive C: is disk0 BIOS 640kB/130048kB available memory FreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 1.1 (sullrich@freebsd7-releng_1_2.pfsense.org, Fri Nov 14 14:54:51 EST 2008) Loading /boot/defaults/loader.conf Unable to load a kernel! - can't load 'kernel'
I know embedded is not the main target. But I hate to reflash. Every reflash RRD is lost.
One possibility is to make a backup of the RRD's.I think WRAPS, Soekris and whatever platforms are not that minority?
Well you could always put a microdrive or SSD in CF format into such a device and have a lowpower "fullinstall".
Maybe there is time to give a new try to this. Have some 2.2Gig Microdrives here.
Gave up the "FullInstallOnWRAP" long time ago. But now I read, that i can do full install with embedded kernel.For now i have my "Flash" procedures:
-Get new image, resize it to 512MB
-write flash
-rsync running pfSense Box to my server.
-mount flash, copy saved rrd's and config.xml from rsync backup to flash.change flash and boot…
And I always forget to copy the ssh-keys. Therefore they are created new. -
I installed it on my Alix 2C2 and it booted just fine. I am planning on putting it in service tomorrow to test.
I like ALIX and it works really well for home or a small office. I really wish you guys would support it a little bit better. ;D Reflashing every time is painful.