IPSec Mobile Clients + Site2Site VPN doesn´t work
I have setup three IPSec Tunnels on the same interface and same IP:
First tunnel, "Mode Aggressive" für Mobile Clients
Second tunnel, "Mode Aggressive" to Sonicwall NSA Appliance
Third tunnel, "Mode Main" to AVM Fritzbox (DynDns)
Each tunnels works fine if I disable the other two.
If I disable the "Mobile Client" tunnel, the both other to Sonicwall and AVM Fritzbox do work.
But if I enable all three, the third tunnel to AVM Fritzbox doesn´t come up. The Fritzbox shows the tunnel as green even in the log is a IKE-Error 0x2027, the PFSense shows it permanently as "connecting" but it doesn´ come up and work.
In the PFSense IPSEC Log i can find the several messages likefollowing entries:
15[IKE] <con5000|3>sending retransmit 2 of request message ID 0, seq 1
The retransmit value counts up (to 5)
Is it a timeout issue?At the same time i get the message: CARP Sync generates Errors: A communications error occurred while attempting XMLRPC sync.
Screenshots attached.Any Ideas?
Nobody an idea?