Official Ubiquiti Survey! Which Gateway Do You Use?
pfSense made it into their list of poll options!!
Official Ubiquiti Post: Survey: this was only put out on the ubnt community forums (where users predominately use a Ubiquiti product for their gateway). Wanted to share the love for all the pfSense users who have a hybrid pfSense/Unifi network and would like to cast a vote!
(This could be Ubiquiti trying to see how many Unifi customers go with a 3rd party gateway (Instead of the Unifi gateway) as a way to gauge and see if they should open up the Unifi Controller/Ecosystem to such devices!!(Pure speculation))
I answered pfSense.
Not sure I'd want to use anything else apart from APs & CloudKey.
Their QC seems a bit hit & miss :-
I voted for pfsense as well.. While I am currently using the usg 3p.. It is temp solution until get new pfsense hardware. My pfsense on vm could not handle the new 500/50 connection.
After playing with the usg for a bit, I can tell you for sure I will be going back the instant I have the new hardware that is for damn sure.. the only thing going for it is it can handle the speed.. As long as you don't try to do any shaping..
Survey? That sounds more like a lead-generating form for their sales team, a convenient list of e-mail addresses for people who aren't fully committed to ubnt that they can target. :-)