Freeradius 3 not working after upgrade 2.4
I was working on PfSense 2.3.1 with freeradius v2. I upgraded then to 2.4. Freeradius v2 was still installed but not working. I then upgraded freeradius to V3. But since then it won't authenticate against ldap. Attached I have a log when I go to diagnostic > authenticate
Settings I have the following:
Server Address: IP of Server
Port: 389
Identity: cn=ldapmoe,ou=Office,dc=contoso,dc=com
Password: set
Base DN: ou=Office,dc=contoso,dc=com
Filter: (|(sAMAccountName=%{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{User-Name}}) (mail=%{User-Name}}))
Base Filter: (objectclass=*)Anyone else had these problems?
Nothing useful in the logs.
Just got the settings working again with NAS and Interface. Here is somthing additional
I've uninstalled freeradius and swapped to the normal ldap authentication from pfsense. Works well now