Unable to edit or delete Gateways
The post title kind of sums it it. I am trying to setup a test load balanced/redundant system using two WAN to a single LAN, however in the process i have created to incorrect gateways which i need to remove. I click the remove button, it asks me to confirm the removal but they go nowhere. I also created the gateways i need with names with spaces, which breaks gateway groups, so i need to rename them, however when i click the edit button i just get a new blank gateway.
Keep up the good work, 2.0 is really starting to look good!
To temporarily fix it:
You could probably downloading the config.xml, modify and restore it. -
Thanks for that, i have as a temporary fix manually deleted the surplus entries and edited the other directly in the config.xml using vi.
It unfortunately still broken, err…doesn't work as expected, as of 01:45:00 EST 2008 build. I neither can modify/delete the entries. I can OTOH, add another new entry but can't change monitor ip, it always is set to the same value(address) you put for gateway. This is OUCH :'(
Still a problem as of Fri Dec 12 05:58:11 EST 2008 , just had to ssh and vi the config file again to make a config change.
Do i need to add this to a bugslist somewhere? Anyone need/want me to troubleshoot it a bit more. I did notice that is i use the built in file editor in the Diagnostics tab to make changes to the config file they do not stick, i have to drop into a terminal and ssh/vi. Could this be part of the problem, permissions?
The issue is known, I havn't had the time.
Ok thanks, wasn't nagging honest!!