Time-based filtering
Hi all,
Is there any plan of including a time-based filter some time in the future?
It's not on top of the todo list and there is noone working on it atm afaik.
ok. I asked because at work, some people are only allowed to access the Internet during a particular time period.
Anyone knows how this can be implemented? -
You might want to try a similiar attempt like described at http://wiki.m0n0.ch/wikka.php?wakka=PoorMansTimeBasedRules .
I'll try to implement it as soon as my other problems with pfSense are solved.
One question though: will all the commands used to implement time-based filtering in monowall work for pfSense? -
You'll have to do some abstraction as pfSense uses different filters. Maybe it's easier to somehow cron the upload of a partitial Firewallrules backup and trigger a filter reload after that.
I have good experience with Linux and cron.
Can you point me to pages where I can learn more about how to implement that in pfSense?
Where is the firewall rules file stored, …? -
One example can be found here: http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,682.msg10895.html#msg10895