How can i use another gateway with squid
Hi people,
How can i use another gateway at my pfsense? using the firewall rules, i can select wich networks can use the gateway i want. But when i use squid and tur on the transparent proxy, it goes os the wan interface, so i want tu use my opt interface.
How can i do it?
I have the same problem. Can anyone help us ?
Thanks in advance
Pasquale -
Maybe help policy-routing rule ?
If you want to make use of WANx for a service on pfSense:
@Hoba:You need a static route to the <remote-tunnel-endpoint-ip>/32 via <gateway-of-wan2>. All services running at the pfSense directly (like ipsec, a proxy, dnsforwarder,…) only follow the routingtable definitions.</gateway-of-wan2></remote-tunnel-endpoint-ip>
However i'm not sure how you would apply this to squid only, since if you redirect & to the other gateway everything from pfSense will be redirected.
Hi. Did someone make the Squid route to another link access and not WAN ?
Thanks in advance.
Only 2.0 sorry.