SG-3100 LTE 3G/4G
My WAN connection has been stable so no real issue to tackle right away but I would like to plan for the future if it does have a service interruption. In the past I have used a hotspot, Wi-Fi connected to an Airport Express, ethernet connected to the WAN port as a means to provide service to my LAN. Works well since LTE is not over the 100m speed on the ports of the Express and the Express makes for an excellent bridge.
The SG-3100 has a SIM slot but needs more parts. I would like to complete the parts install so that I can move my SIM from my hotspot into the 3100 when needed to continue service. I do not see anything yet on the Netgate site covering this. No rush, I can wait, but curious now if its something I can look into.
So far the only solution offered is an external solution. If the 3100 can support internal modem I want to explore the idea.
It can. See for example: