Trying to update a 2.3.4_1 install to 2.4.2 and I am unable to check for updates
Are you sure you did not messed up things by changing something in repo config?
I'm pretty sure I haven't touched it. What should I check?
Go to System>Update>Update Settings
Make sure you have selected branch "Latest stable version 2.4.x" or whatever it shows for you, also if it is already selected try to change it to something else, check for updates and then change it back and again check for updates, if it does not help then check for /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos
there are two files
freeBSD.confFreeBSD: { enabled: no }
pfSense.confFreeBSD: { enabled: no } pfSense-core: { url: "pkg+", mirror_type: "srv", signature_type: "fingerprints", fingerprints: "/usr/local/share/pfSense/keys/pkg", enabled: yes } pfSense: { url: "pkg+", mirror_type: "srv", signature_type: "fingerprints", fingerprints: "/usr/local/share/pfSense/keys/pkg", enabled: yes }
Plese note that current URL that is "pkg+" can be something different for you, if after first step it is not the same then post it here.
My files are exactly like what you posted.
Then you can try and (addition about pkg-static).
Please be ready for full reinstall, backup your config and prepare installation media or at least download the latest image and some old 2.3 too if it completely refuses to install the latest -
Thanks for the advice. After reading the posts on reddit and here about all the issues with upgrading to 2.4.x, I'm going to hold off for a while before doing anything. Seems to be a lot of issues. I'll prepare for a full reinstall, but it won't be happening for a while.
There is always a lot of issues between upgrades, but that does not mean you will be affected, there was a bunch of issues in between 2.2 and 2.3 upgrades, for example, even more then now. Too much different hardware and software configurations. In case you don't use some well known packages that can cause problems, than there is very small probability that something will go wrong, but it's up to you what to do now.
Well, I have to chime in with a "me too"…
I've had upgrade failures (to 2.4.2) on several different pfSense installs (2.3.4 and 2.3.4_1)
In all cases pfSense is running on VMware (64bit) and has only open-vm-tool, acme and openvpn-client-export packages installed.
In all cases the failure occurs after the following three lines in the "update" window:
Updating repositories metadata… done.
Upgrading pfSense-repo... done.
2.4.2 version of pfSense is availableAfter that it reports a failure and GUI indicates (dashboard and updates page) it is no longer able to check for updates.
I do believe that the issue is related to pkg package… if I go into shell and try running pkg command it fails with the following error:
Shared object "" not found, required by "pkg"
This suggest that once update process is started it mangles pkg package update.
Bottom line, something is indeed seriously wrong with the update/upgrade system.
![Screen Shot 2017-12-01 at 01.14.49.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/Screen Shot 2017-12-01 at 01.14.49.png)
![Screen Shot 2017-12-01 at 01.14.49.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/Screen Shot 2017-12-01 at 01.14.49.png_thumb) -
Shared object "" not found, required by "pkg"
Saw this one earlier on the forum, and what to do about.
I think you need to go deeper :)
Search this page for pkg-static and follow links ;)
But in your case it should be more faster just to install new VM with fresh 2.4.2 and restore configuration on it. -
You should look at:
Specifically the last post I just made about NanoBSD being deprecated which leads you down this goatrope path.