Pfsense 2.4.2-1 don't boot fine
Hello Guys !
I've updated my VM this morning and since it won't boot correctly, i have this error : (see attachment).
As i didn't resolve my problem on the last post, maybe it's linked ?
Old post : anyone can help :)
Thank you guys !
2.4.2 and 2.4.2p1 has stability issues when starting after powerloss.
I know that official answer will be "OS must be shutdown properly".
But i had never problems with 2.2 or 2.3.
They are virtual machines on hyper-v.
Only 2.4 has problems with starting if hyper-v was shutdown incorrectly (or even correctly, strange, but freebsd 11 can not be restored from "saved" state, but 10.3 does it perfectly).So, the question is: is there any method to install 2.4 like nanobsd in order to forbid writing to storage while it's running?
I already use RAM disk in settings, but this night after powerloss two 2.4.2p1 VM could not be started (even after recovery). Reverting to latest snapshot saved situation. -
Although I never leave home without some working UPS's, and I'm not using hyper-thing, but an old fashioned, stripped down PC, my 2.4.2 - 2.4.2_1 now, survives cold rebooting (pull out the power plug) just fine. I tried 3 times (and stopped then, I realized I didn't have do so with any device the last 3 or 4 years …)
Not possible to login and issue a clean "halt" ? Seems more logic to me.These days, even modern OS's like "10" do not like being shut down the hard way. You just don't do so, except for these very rare occasions.
Although I never leave home without some working UPS's, and I'm not using hyper-thing, but an old fashioned, stripped down PC, my 2.4.2 - 2.4.2_1 now, survives cold rebooting (pull out the power plug) just fine. I tried 3 times (and stopped then, I realized I didn't have do so with any device the last 3 or 4 years …)
Not possible to login and issue a clean "halt" ? Seems more logic to me.These days, even modern OS's like "10" do not like being shut down the hard way. You just don't do so, except for these very rare occasions.
What file system are you using on old PC? UFS or ZFS? Now i switched to ZFS and keep testing.
What file system are you using on old PC? UFS or ZFS? Now i switched to ZFS and keep testing.
pfsense 2.4.2p1 with ZFS on Hyper-v starts without any error after powerloss.
Continue testing…