Where can I get pfSense-Embedded-2.0-ALPHA
I would like to test the new version on my Alix Board but I can only find the update versions. Where can I find an image for my board or who can tell me how to upgrade from an 1.2.1 Version?
Here: http://snapshots.pfsense.org/FreeBSD7/RELENG_1/
Grab one of the ones that ends in img.gz and re-image the card. -
I have seen the files but they are not special "embedded" images whereas the updates are specials for embedded. In one of the posts someone told, that he had installed the embedded image, so my question came up. Is there a special image for ebedded systems and when not, why are there special files for updates on embedded systems? I´m a bit confused.
The img.gz files are gzipped image files for embedded systems suitable for writing to a cf card using physdiskwrite or such. The isos are for creating a CD, so you can run from CD or do a full install. Trust me, I've written dozens of 1.3/2.0 images to cf and run them on Alix boxes…
I don't understand what you mean by "special" but there are tons of FULL/UPDATE files on the snapserver.
This is what you want for fresh(or full) install: pfSense-2.0-ALPHA-ALPHA-20081223-1631.img.gz
Files have "Update" in its names are to be used for update: pfSense-Embedded-Update-2.0-ALPHA-ALPHA-20081223-1548.tgzcheers,