LCDproc for 1.2.1
I know lcdproc has issues with freebsd 6 but now that we are running 7.0, I heard that there was a working build of it. Is there a package for 1.3 Alpha that can be installed on 1.2.1? I am looking for a LCD driver that will drive my picolcd and I heard that the new build for 1.3 supports this.
Thanks in advance. -
I haven't tried to install it, but LCDProc shows up on the installable packages list for 1.2.1.
It appears to be the latest stable version. Are you having trouble installing/running it? -
there is an issue with lcdproc 5.2+ with freebsd 6 it is an issue with the usb device driver. The issue is fixed in freebsd 7. The driver I need is not compiled in that package. I need the later verison compiled for 1.3 or 2.0
I would love to see the picoLCD working, I've been eyeing the mini-box 300 case with the picoLCD. But past incompatibility issues dropped it off my christmas list…
I'm wondering if there is an update to this? The LCDProc doesn't appear to work with the mini-box 300? Any suggestions, help, advice or anything else to get it to work? Somebody mentioned the driver needs recompiled in FreeBSD 7 - happy to do this but not quite sure how (while I'm a Linux / Windows bod and have recompiled bits and pieces not done so for FreeBSD).