Queue name BUG
If Queue name contains / symbols (may be any others) - rules update with error
qDown_128/3 - error
qDown_128_2 - successNeed insert check for symbols in Queue name for exclude /*~#@%^ … etc..
If i change queue name - all Rules assigned for this queue don't re-attach to new queue name.
Them have old name.
This rule begining worked with default (or root) queue.
:-[ -
Thanks for the report but I doubt very seriously that we will be fixing this for 1.0.
Feel free to submit patches against -HEAD that corrects the behavior.
If Queue name contains / symbols (may be any others) - rules update with error
qDown_128/3 - error
qDown_128_2 - successNeed insert check for symbols in Queue name for exclude /*~#@%^ … etc..
If i change queue name - all Rules assigned for this queue don't re-attach to new queue name.
Them have old name.
This rule begining worked with default (or root) queue.
[/quote]Thanks, I'll work on item 1 this evening. Number 2 I think we'll hold off on - it's a pain, but not necessarily broken (if anything, I'd probably just disable edits to the queue name).
May be need insert Queue ID - unique field, what create self value only with new Queue?
Value format can be, for example, 'queueXX'
All rules must be use this field for references to this queue.
This really?