Mail Reports not Sending
I have an install where the Mail Reports function isn't sending any emails. The Test under System-Advanced-Notifications works just fine but when I try to send any report through the Email Reports package it just doesn't appear to go anywhere. Is there a mail log that would show me what is happening?
Having the same issue here, running mailreports 3.1 on 2.3.2 and 2.4.2. It doesn't appear to log anything at all that I can find
I'm Guessing you use port 587 to send, and have 'Enable SMTP over SSL/TLS' checked.
Set port 465 and this should work.There is a 'bug' that someone does not think is a bug ;)
Also try NOT attaching the system log.
I have had problems with the system log containing stuff the parser does not like and the script fails.–