Verifying a secure and private network?
I have my pfSense configured pretty good…thank you to all on this forum who have help! I really appreciate the help...pfSense rocks!
How do I know it is secure and private? What are some fundamental checks and tests I can do?
- No DNS Leaks/Key traffic thru VPN - All good! used
- Fixed IPs for clients/Deny unknown clients - Services->DHCP Server->Interface->Deny Unknown Clients...I think certificates and rRadius can help me further.
- pfBlocker with custom lists - More then my share of alerts
- Snort - Again more alerts! Constantly being refined
- Seperate VLANs - ???
- Restricted rules - Thanks all!
My specific questions are:
a)How can I verify that my VLANs are indeed isolated?
b)How can I verify my shady printer on VLAN 10(IOT) can't talk to my pfSEnse GUI or my Native VLAN?
c)My Native VLAN used to admin my AP/Switch/pfSense GUI is not leaking?
d)My ARP table isn't "poisened"?
e)My wife is being faithful?....well that one is all on me, you can't help me there!
f)Other basic trouble shooting/verifications I should do?
...what results should I look for to verify all is good in Rome!I still have more work to do but any direction/help would be surely appreciated...
Awesome thank you! Any checks I can do within pfSense?
Diagnostics > Packet Capture.