2.4.2 Tells Me It Is Up-To-Date (does not show 2.4.2-p1)
Hi guys,
I run several (well, four) pfSense machinse. Three of them are on the latest release:
2.4.2-RELEASE-p1 (amd64) built on Tue Dec 12 13:45:26 CST 2017 FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p6
Just one keeps telling me it is up-to-date even though it is not:
2.4.2-RELEASE (amd64) built on Mon Nov 20 08:12:56 CST 2017 FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p4 The system is on the latest version. Version information updated at Tue Jan 30 18:44:16 CET 2018
Is there a way to force an update through the shell or GUI?
How can I upgrade and what could be the root cause for this behaviour?
Is there a way to force an update through the shell or GUI?
Yep. Access console - and you'll see it right away.
Btw : jimp is telling several times a week what commands could be useful to solve this matter. Locate one of his messages (you will find hundreds og them).
While you are there, ping to something and see if it resolves.
Even when it states :Version information updated at Tue Jan 30 18:44:16 CET 2018
I guess it didn't manage to connect to the place where the updates are stored. This could be a broken DNS setup.
thanks for your advice.
Sorry for the late reply, I was on holidays for a week.
When I came back and checked the update status of the box it offered me to upgrade to the 2.4.2_1.
And no, as I was on holidays I really did not change anything!
As soon as I clicked on the "upgrade now" it still does not offer to upgrade.
This is the dashboard:```
2.4.2-RELEASE (amd64)
built on Mon Nov 20 08:12:56 CST 2017
FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p4Version 2.4.2_1 is available.
Version information updated at Sun Feb 11 19:30:25 CET 2018In System -> System Update (After clicking on the blue cloud to download) it says:``` 2.4.2 Latest Base System 2.4.2 Status Up to date.
So obviously there is an issue- one page shows I can upgrade while the next says it is up-to-date.
Unfortunately I cannot use the option to start the upgrade through ssh as I am remotely (and ssh connection will brake when updating remotely).
Does someone know what the URL for the upgrade check is? Perhaps there is a DNS glitch or proxy issue.
Thanks for ideas!