Answered: Single website redirecting to GoodMayor
And what I suggested in reply #1 was exactly what johnpoz ended up doing a WHOLE DAY AND A HALF later after you decided to cough up the domain name.
I am thankful for people who don't waste our time with needless nonsense.
<sigh>I bet you're a blast at parties. Your inability to calculate the passage of time may inadvertently cause you to overstay your welcome though…
I'm considering the thread closed as the problem has been solved. Your time is doubtlessly quite valuable. Thanks for your help. My inability to fully grasp your original suggestion is entirely on me and, had I understood it, I could have saved some time of some of the good folks who help around here. As previously mentioned, network troubleshooting is my Achilles heel.
EDIT: Also, thanks for the -karma. Glad you could be my first.</sigh>
I find highly unlikely Derelict smited you.. He doesn't care about the smites.. Not exactly sure why your mad at him.. He asked you for the domain - without that it would be impossible to help you figure out what is wrong..
Someone might want to try and contact the owner of site and let him know his dns has been hijacked.. If you check that dns link I gave - its spreading ;) And even when they fix it going to take a week for it to clear up for everyone since they set that long ttl.. .Which is for sure what you do once you hijack someones dns.. Which is why made comment that such a long ttl is normally not a good sign.
What Q/A section are you talking about??
Smites come, notice mine.. If you make a wrong comment you might piss off the wrong person and then they will smite you every hour on the hour for days ;)
Let's all chill, problem is solved. You think you guys have a problem with smites? ;)
hehehe Your almost on the neg side ivor ;) I will be sure to throw you some applauds to get you leaning more on the + side…
Does PFSense have an "Oprah" for smites yet? I'd be willing to volunteer if not…
"You get a smite! You get a smite! You get a smite! You get a smite! You get a smite! Everybody gets a smite! Karma (not) rising!"
hehehe Your almost on the neg side ivor ;) I will be sure to throw you some applauds to get you leaning more on the + side…
Working hard on my smites!