WAN being recodnised as internal I.P Address.
I've done a fresh install of PFSEnse 2.4.2 AMD64 and my WAN is not being seen as my external I.P Address but an internal 192.168.x.x I.P Address .
My Internet is up and running but I'm having to connect directly to the web using Ethernet from my ISP Box too my switch too my desktop.
Any one know why this could be happening.
because you connected pfsense wan to your nat router, vs putting it into bridge mode..
which is fine and will work fine unless your pfsense wan IP 192.168.? is overlapping with the 192.168.1 network that is default on pfsense lan..
This and at least some of your previous posts stem from the fact that you are using the ISP provided router in router mode, as opposed to bridge mode.
1. In router mode, your ISP’s router does the NAT. So of course your pfSense gets an RFC1918 address.
2. It appears from your previous posts you did try to disable router mode and out your ISP router in Bridge mode…almost there.
3. Just remember these points about router mode on most ups routers:
-Your ISP only allows a single computer. So you cannot plug the lan side of isp router into a switch. Only a single computer, or in your case, pfSense WAN must be plugged in to the isp routers Ethernet switch (if built in).
-any time you change the computer / pfSense connected to your isp router, you need to make it forget the single computer that was connected to it before. You do this by turning off the router, leave it off for a few minutes, plug in the new computer, turn the router back on. Simply connection another computer will likely not work.Try this: set things up as you want them to be with your pfSense box, etc. Then turn off your isp router for a few minutes and turn it back on.
Should do it.
These are the setting I've got in my router:
WAN Connection Type.: Auto.
WAN Settings:
WAN: Bridged IP LLC (Selected) .Optional settings.
Bridged I.P VC MUX
Routed I.P LLC
Routed I.P VC MUXWhen booting PFSense I have reset the configuration and currently have no I.P Addresses selected for WAN or LAN.
What should I select or do.
What's the make and model of your modem/router ?
Its a D Link DSL 3782.
Configuring the modem/router is out of scope for this forum but in general you should try to figure out if the device supports so called bridge mode. Note that the options you have for configuring the ADSL side of the modem have nothing to do with ethernet bridging, if your modem does support ethernet bridging you'll find the setting for that under general networking or TCP/IP options.
Agreed, this is not the correct forum on how to place your isp device into bridge mode or even if supported. I would highly contact them if you want to put it in bridge mode, and if your isp supports that.
If not pfsense will work just fine in double nat… Where it gets rfc1918 address on its wan --- as long as it doesn't overlap with what network your using on your lan. If your isp gateway hands out 192.168.1/24 then set your lan on pfsense to be 192.168.2/24 or 172.16.0/24, etc.. There is plenty of rfc1918 space to use..
Only caveat in such a setup is any inbound traffic you want to forward would have to be forwarded to pfsense wan IP on your isp device, or your isp device would have to support dmz mode as its quite often called where you would put the IP address of pfsense wan IP into the dmz host of the isp device.
Disable NAT
Turn off WiFi
reboot the dlink, cross fingers :) -
I've really went threw and read the comments in this Post. I appreciate all your replies as I'm still learning quite a bit about the bigger scope of networking and the networking world.
I have tried several various option for the past two hours in regards to setting various options in my ISP Router Box and the system not picking up an external ISP I.P Address as listed under WAN in home screen of PFSense; hence were you have the options of 0) too 16) ..
I have selected too disable NAT, I have also selected Bridged VC MUX only and Bridged VC LLC Only. In regards too those two options I have done a reboot because neither of them worked.
I have had a look at the DHCP Options and their is nothing listed as DHCP in my ISP Box what so ever when it comes to those words; DHCP.
I have selected to use DHCP for PFSense on WAN and LAN . I currently have an address of for PFSense LAN for access too the Web Control Browser.
I also have the options of PPPoE, Static, Dynamic IP Address, and Bridged, I am currently selected as Dynamic I.P Address but under that particular option, it is selected as Bridged VC LLC ..
When I select Bridged, I do not have the option too disable NAT, but their is something else I also noticed if this means anything. I have Dynamic DNS. I'm not 100 % on what that means.
To be quite honest I'm working blind because I'm not 100 % on what any of this means. I was wanting too do this as a project too learn and use my Rack server so trust me I have been learning because i'm 1 week in too this and still not their.
This is going too sound like a MoFo dumb question. But I should see; shouldn't I a External WAN Address in PFSense were as it says WAN in the main terminal on my second monitor. Hence:
WAN (wan) -> xxxx ->
LAN (lan) - xxxx -> V4: above is correct isn't it when achieving a Public I.P Address assigned by my ISP.
I also disabled WiFi.
I have tried a lot of different configuration options including setting the DHCP on LAN for I.P Ver. 4. and Ver.6.
Setting the DHCP for WAN on I.P Ver 4. and Ver.6 .
I have selected too the HTTP: as the Web Browsers Configuration . I only have two Ethernet ports on my Rack. One for WAN and one for LAN.
I have also selected at various time too do a full factory restor of PFSense in order to achieve a fresh config but no luck.
Ever time I have too change something in my router and I get no external I.P Address on PFSense after Rebooting the Server I have too do a hard reset of my ISP Box. So I get can online and and access too the address for the ISP Box.
Still no luck.
So if any one can help. I'll be hear waiting for your reply. :( ..
"I have selected to use DHCP for PFSense on WAN and LAN "
Dude you would not use dhcp on LAN….. My gawd dude reset your isp device to default... Set pfsense to use dhcp on its wan - what IP does it get? If it gets 192.168.1.x then set your lan to be 192.168.2, use it like that..
In regards to setting PFSEnse too use LAN and WAN with DHCP I was trying every option available.
I have set DHCP for WAN for I.P Ver. 4 & 6 ..
I have set it too static for LAN at ..
I currently have no WAN Address and I have set my ISP Box too Bridged using Bridged Only LLC ..
So did you call your ISP?? Maybe they do not support bridge.. This is not place to help you or troubleshoot if your isp device support bridge mode, or if you isp even allows it.
Call them!!! Ask them if you can put their device in bridge mode - problem solved.
If not then use pfsense with a double nat, its not the end of the world.
So did you call your ISP?? Maybe they do not support bridge.. This is not place to help you or troubleshoot if your isp device support bridge mode, or if you isp even allows it.
Call them!!! Ask them if you can put their device in bridge mode - problem solved.
If not then use pfsense with a double nat, its not the end of the world.
Well, well, well, …..
We finally get their. I have managed too get an external ISP provided I.P Address.
I need too explain a few things because I'm not 100% on whats going on.
I went in too my router, looked at every possible setting and configuration and eventually found DHCP under LAN settings; being listed under, WAN, LAN, WiFi and USB Devices.
I disabled WiFi, Disabled DHCP under LAN and also set WAN too Bridge Mode LLC. Switched the router off for 5 seconds as thats the amount of time it takes to do a hard reset.
I reset PFSense too Factory Defaults, Immediately picked up an external I.P Address from my ISP Provider and currently have my PFSEnse Firewall set on the Network.
I was simply trying every option available when setting LAN to use DHCP as I was not sure if this would be needed as I have multiple home computers connected too a switch. Also NAT is automatically turned off by default when setting Bridge Mode in my ISP Box Router.
Resetting PFSense too factory defaults using option 4) in the main terminal of the boot screen done the trick after finding the DHCP Config setting in my router basically.
So yeah I totally get I have made my self out to be a complete idiot and I apologize for taking up so much of your time. I am now connected threw PFSense on my Rack Server and using my ISP Box as a modem.
After all that, over the past several days I understand not what too do and what too do as I have been taking mental notes about the overall config and set up on a third party home system such as my Rack. In my case disabling DHCP under LAN for the LAN I have at home. Setting to Bridge Mode and disabling NAT along with WiFi .
It was the DHCP I was getting confused over and when I first started posting, the DNS Servers.
I have learned a lot from this as I have been watching youtube Videos about DHCP handing out I.P Address and how it works hence why I could not connect on my Home PCs.
I just have a couple of questions. When setting up PFSense and having too disable DHCP in LAN on the given ISP Box Router and also having too Bridge the connection; turn of NAT and WiFi; is this the case for every custom set-up as in a DIY Build. Basically installing it your self.
I've been on this for several hard days and the mistakes I have made now seem genuinely stupid when I thing about the Logicalities involved and how the overall set up would work.
Am I correct in thing for DHCP; this is basically assigning I.P Addresses . DNS basically the look up of I.P Addresses and NAT is basically; the Name Address Translation Tables. Were as the like of I.P Ver.4 being the protocol used.
I'm not sure what I did wrong with regards to setting up LAN as it wouldn't connect until after I done a factory reset of PFSense the the main terminal. BUt I now know a lot more than I did so thanks for sticking with me johnpoz. I appreciate it greatly. 8)