Getting Started with the SG-1000
Hi All,
I just took the plunge and bought an SG-1000. Don't really know what I'm doing beyond following several overwhelmingly positive recommendations. I've been looking for a getting started guide for newbies, but I haven't found one yet. The manual has a lot of good information, but I don't see a clear place to begin. Perhaps there will be something in the box when the unit arrives? Any recommendations?
I have some very basic networking skills, like configuring computers and switches, but this will be my first time with a firewall, and whatever else it is that pfSense does. I am very excited! Thanks!
Even though it's preinstalled, I would suggest you glance at this.
From there, there are many YouTube video tutorials on the basics. Netgate themselves offer their training videos about specific features of pfSense:
Even though it's preinstalled, I would suggest you glance at this.
That doc won't help with the SG-1000 though, it has a different process:
The SG-1000 product docs are here: specifically, reinstalling is covered by
I linked to that Installation guide just for the stuff at the end.
Thank you all for the suggestions. I've watched a couple of the shorter videos, and now I'm going to read through the manual (yes, I'm one of those guys who actually READS manuals). Thanks again. I've been thinking about doing this for quite a while. This is going to be fun.
There will be a card in the box with a URL to register the appliance. Once you do, you'll have access to pfSense Gold for one year, there are a bunch of hangouts (you'll also have access to the live monthly Hangouts), access to the pfSense Book and AutoConfigBackup to help get you started (and access to the recovery image for reinstalling).
Hope this helps!
Thank you,
1. Turn on SG1000
2. Connect to computer, get DHCP address automatically
3. Open browser, browse to the Gateway/DHCP server address that you're given via DHCP
4. Defaults credentials are … pfsense/pfsense ... I think.Now you can log in and play. Connect the WAN port to the Internet (aka unsecured upstream network) in whatever way you need (you may need to configure the WAN port for this). Now you should be able to browse the Internet.