Need Help Copying Config to USB stick formatted exFAT
My Firewall running PFsense died, at least the web interface portion. I am not a Linux user so that I could use some simple help. I want to copy the config file so I can rebuild the box and import the config back in, saving me some time. But I can't seem to get the USB Stick mounted to where I can copy the config.xml file located in /conf over to the USB stick.
The USB stick is formatted with Windows; it is 65 GBT and formatting of exFAT.
If someone could give me the mount or umount command to get it mounted I would appreciate it.
Also, all I do need to save is the config.xml file to get the rules and NAT setting back once I rebuild the system correct?
does freebsd even support exfat? Just use a fat formatted stick..
You prob have to install the fusefs-exfat port, but I find it unlikely to be installed on pfsense out of the box, etc.
You can always just format the usb stick in pfsense..
Is your stick showing up as /dev/da0 ?
OK I formatted it as FAT32. The system is seeing it as da0.
OK I formatted it as FAT32. The system is seeing it as da0.
Actually, when I do a df -h I see:
/dev/ufsid/548983b680f34240 with a size of 71G used 1.4G Avail 64G Capacity 2% Mounted on /
Well there you go just mount it then..
Command should be
mount -t msdosfs /dev/da0s1 /whereyouwanttomount -
camcontrol devlist indicates it is da0 pass 2
Well there you go just mount it then..
Command should be
mount -t msdosfs /dev/da0s1 /whereyouwanttomountI tried, I just get errors.
When I get home later I will throw up a guide for mounting a usb in pfsense. Guess something we can put on the wiki ;)
When I get home later I will throw up a guide for mounting a usb in pfsense. Guess something we can put on the wiki ;)
Sounds good, I appreciate it. I know just enough to be dangerous and Google the rest, but everything I find on this doesn't seem to work or errors out. Something happened when I tried to do the last major update, and since then it passes most of the traffic but the web interface is down, and it has a ton of update errors on boot like it keeps trying to complete the last major update or something. I was going to toss it on another box but can't get the config, and I can't find the backup I did a while ago!
Ok so I formatted a usb stick on windows as fat32
Plugged it into my sg4860
Used dmesg to see that is was seen.
ugen0.4: <ufd 3.0="" silicon-power8g="">at usbus0
umass1 on uhub1
umass1: <ufd 0="" 4="" 3.0="" silicon-power8g,="" class="" 0,="" rev="" 2.10="" 1.00,="" addr="">on usbus0
da1 at umass-sim1 bus 1 scbus7 target 0 lun 0
da1: <ufd 3.0="" silicon-power8g="" pmap="">Removable Direct Access SPC-4 SCSI device
da1: Serial Number P140360007034BBC37517370
da1: 40.000MB/s transfers
da1: 7552MB (15466496 512 byte sectors)
da1: quirks=0x2 <no_6_byte>---So it came up as da1
Then looked at it with
2.4.3-RELEASE][root@sg4860.local.lan]/: camcontrol devlist
<generic ultra="" hs-combo="" 1.98=""> at scbus6 target 0 lun 0 (da0,pass0)
<ufd 3.0="" silicon-power8g="" pmap=""> at scbus7 target 0 lun 0 (pass1,da1)Also see its there as da1
So I then mounted it to media, looked at it with ls.. copied over config.xml to it, looked at it again with ls to see the file there. Then umounted it and plugged it into my windows machine - there you go my config.xml file
[2.4.3-RELEASE][root@sg4860.local.lan]/: mount -t msdosfs /dev/da1 /media
[2.4.3-RELEASE][root@sg4860.local.lan]/: cd /media
[2.4.3-RELEASE][root@sg4860.local.lan]/media: ls
System Volume Information
[2.4.3-RELEASE][root@sg4860.local.lan]/media: cp /conf/config.xml /media
[2.4.3-RELEASE][root@sg4860.local.lan]/media: ls
System Volume Information config.xml
[2.4.3-RELEASE][root@sg4860.local.lan]/media: cd /
[2.4.3-RELEASE][root@sg4860.local.lan]/: umount /media
–-Hope that helps, the s1 would of been if there was a partition or slice on it, etc.. sorry about that.. Was doing it from memory not something do all the time ;) Much easier when I could actually do it ;)
I had to use /dev/da1s1. I got the same Invalid Argument using /dev/da1
ls /dev/da1*
This is part of the reason there is no clear documentation on this process. It is always different depending on the installed drives, the partitioning of the USB, presence of that awful U3 stuff from sandisk, etc.
OK, that worked. I had to use da0p1 to get it to mount.
Thanks, guys for the help on this!
Np glad you got it sorted, derelict is correct lots of variables can be involved in this - so it can be difficult to put together any sort of comprehensive guide that covers all the possible iterations.