Update fails: repositories metadata
I'm running 2.4.2_1, and tried to update today.
System update failed:
Updating repositories metadata… failed
Any suggestions? Device is in a colo centre in Europe. So not easily accessible to me.
Many thanks.
There are many forum threads about how to re-activate the update/upgrade system. List some of them and do what is proposed..
Thank you for your help: I'd browsed the first three pages, and found nothing similar to my issue.
I have since searched repository/repositories, "update failed" & reactivate with no results that assist.
If anyone can refer me to a previous thread, or suggest a search term, it would be appreciated.
Use the word "repositories" for a global search on the forum.
You find what to do.If not, consider system broken, backup config and goto latest version, import config and done (5 minutes work ?).
global search on the forum.
If not, consider system broken, backup config and goto latest version, import config and done (5 minutes work ?).
Thanks for the trigger 'global' - I didn't realise that my search wasn't checking the whole forum. Maybe that's why my results came up short.
This post helped me fix the problem:
https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=145605.0Not sure which command it was, but things got progressively better until I could complete the update.
If this hadn't worked, not so (5 minutes) trivial, as this is a remote (3000 miles) installation…