Real link Bonding
I want use real bonding of at least two internet connections (mostly 4G).
The reason is, we wanna do live streaming and one connection failing should not break down the livestream.What typ of endpoint (e.g. on own dedicated servers) do I need? Or is there something possible with VPN lie PIA oder :)
(I need "true loadbalancing" as it shown here: - not mainly for bandwhich purpose, but for reliability)
you'd need your isp to setup mlppp or similar to setup "true loadbalancing"
if you just want failover, you could probably setup a tunnel to a provider that can provide you with a public ip (where users connect to). but that would result in downtime the moment it has to switch connections
is there a good HOWTO for that?
I have a freebsd decicated server on the internet… and pfSense...