Problem upgrade 2.4.3 to 2.4.3_1
Update my pfsense from web. of 2.4.3 to 2.4.3_1
click upgrade…... running.... download all packet. and reboot. apparently all good. No problem -
When pfsense start, them login but, in my dashboard it's the same as before.
it shows me that I have the version 2.4.3 and update available to 2.4.3_1 -
Re-run web update.
from here it does not happen: Please wait while the update system initializes -
cli: pfSense-upgrade -d but Nothing happens.
The funny thing that pfsesne is working normal, but I can not update.
How long did you wait after the upgrade rebooted?
What hardware are you running on?
On some older hardware or slow boot media the webgui can start significantly before the upgrade has completed. If you login at that point it may report the old version still. If you are connected to the console you will see the boot has not completed, the boot menu has not been shown yet.
What error is shown on the CLI when you try to upgrade again?