Pfsense in Azure : Image and Hub and Spoke router Mode
Hi team, I wrote a small how to to describe how to use Pfsense in azure.
First a VHD that I created myself here :
The Complte How to to create it from scratch is there : to proceede as a hub an spoke this way :
complete how to is here :
If you see some non-sense please tell form me to correct the How to.
Than you. -
@mouidri the links in the post are no longer accessible.
I have similar setup - hub and spokes. Pfsens lives in hub. Spokes traffic to is routed to the lan interface of pfsense using azure udr. However spokes can't reach other. The logs show the firewall is taking the traffic through the wan interface out - "let out anything from firewall host itself"I am stuck and I can't get this to work. Any help is appreciated
A lot has changed in 6 years. What exactly have you setup so far?