Hsrp links
Hi guys
I've got 2 hsrp links from my provider and was hoping to setup pfsense redundancy using these.
Is it possible to configure 2 wan ports with the same WAN ip in an active standby state. In the event of an issue with Wan1 coming from hsrp 1, wan2 would start working from hsrp2
Is it possible to configure the above on pfsense
pfSense != Cisco
HSRP is Cisco only
@nogbadthebad I'm not trying to setup HSRP on my pfsense firewall. I'm trying to setup WAN HA using the HSRP links provided by my provider
So you have two ISP routers and the default route moves to the second router if the first WAN link fails ?
Draw a diagram of your setup.
@nogbadthebad 1 isp inside a Datacenter. Traffic routed via 2 cores. The 2 cores are configured using HSRP in an active/active config.
On my pfsense setup I have Wan1 with ip connected to core 1. I can connect Wan1 into core and it will still function with ip
What I'm trying to achieve if possible is to connect have both Wan1 and Wan2 connected respectively to Core1 and Core2 in a active standby mode. So if Core1 went down Wan2 would become active and start passing through traffic.
I can't create a diagram as I'm currently on a mobile phone
Just the single pfsense router?
@nogbadthebad yes 1 pfsense appliance
The easiest thing to do maybe pop a switch / switch stack between the two cores and connect pfSense to the switch / switch stack.
Then you wouldn’t need to worry about HSRP.
You have a single point of failure with the single pfSense router.
You could always use a lagg for the wan interface if you use a switch stack.
@nogbadthebad that's what I thought initially. Thanks for confirming that