82572GI Intel EXPI9300PTBLK on pfSense 1.2.2
I have the card in and booted, but pfsense is not detecting it (so it seems).
pciconf -lv gives me this (which I think is the card.. any answers here would be great):
none0@pci0:12:0:0: class=0x020000 card=0xa01f8086 chip=0x10d38086 rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
class = network
subclass = ethernetHowever,
dmesg | grep "on pci"
dmesg | grep irq
give me no clues, nothing about an intel adapter, and nothing about any unknown devices.I know 1.2.2 runs on FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE-p8.. Any ideas as to why this card would not be detected at all?
I know 1.2.2 runs on FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE-p8.. Any ideas as to why this card would not be detected at all?
Guess: FreeBSD 7.0 which was released about Dec 2007 (if I recall correctly) perdates mass availability of this NIC. I suggest you try pfSense 1.2.3 which is based on FreeBSD 7.1 which was released in the last couple of months. Intel have been providing updates to the FreeBSD driver for the Intel GigE card so I would guess the driver would normally be up to date with commonly available Intel GigE NICs.
Any other recommendations? This is on a production server and I'm not sure if I want to chance it with 1.2.3 if it is still considered unstable or alpha.
According to the driver sources chip 0x10d38086 is a 82574L.
According to the hardware release notes for FreeBSD, the 82574 is listed as supported in FreeBSD 7.1 but not listed as supported in FreeBSD 7.0.I suspect your choices are to make a "hack" to pfSense 1.2.2 to support the 82574L or try pfSense 1.2.3 or see if you can get an older version of the NIC which is supported in FreeBSD 7.0. (The FreeBSD 7.0 hardware release notes are at http://www.freebsd.org/releases/7.0R/hardware.html)
I suspect you will find the quality of 1.2.3 rather better than you fear. The 1.2.3-PRERELEASE-TESTING snapshots forum has a number of positive stories from people using a 1.2.3 snapshot
Any other recommendations? This is on a production server and I'm not sure if I want to chance it with 1.2.3 if it is still considered unstable or alpha.
Use 1.2.3. See http://blog.pfsense.org/?p=377