Static route
how would I create a static route to a destination that is reachable equally via LAN1 and LAN2?
You can add it in System > Routing > Static Routes. You must have the upstream gateway defined on whichever interface you wish to route via first though.
Or are you trying to define some sort of failover there?
thank for the reply, I have two gateways defined GW_LAN1 and GW_LAN2 I added the static route through the first gateway but when i try to added to the second gateway I get "A route to these destination networks already exists: " a failover solution is also acceptable.
What are you routing there?
You cannot define conflicting static routes like that as you saw.
You may be able to use policy based routing with a failover gateway group. Other wise you will need to use some sort of dynamic routing protocol like OSPF.
can't do dynamic routing, it has to be something like a floating static, how do configure policy-based routing on pfsense?
You could only do policy based routing on traffic that entered the firewall via some other interface. So port forwards on WAN maybe or traffic from LAN3 for example. Traffic from the firewall itself cannot use it as it must hit a firewall rule with the failover gateway group defined going into the firewall.