2 wans same subnet.
How can i make 2 wans with same subnet, work? One for internet and the other one for VPN?
You cannot have two interfaces with the same subnet.
Thanks @jimp for the answer.
At previous versions, it was very doable. But at the newest it can't be done. I don't have any choice. I have 2 public IPs at the same subnet, and i need to use one to internet and the other one to VPN. Is there something else i can do ? Please!
yeah use one of the IPs as vip.
Thanks @johnpoz . What VIP stands for? Virtual IP?
Yes virtual IP, you can configure them under the firewall tab on the pfsense menu.
Wonderful news! Thanks a lot for the help @johnpoz ! Is this decrease the traffic or performance of my network interface? Is there any bad news for the entire Pfsense, if i use the Virtual IP?
The same traffic will be present on the same interface. It will just have different source/destination IP addresses.
Your post title was this: 2 wans same subnet.
You don't really have that. You have one WAN with two IP addresses.
Actually , I have 3 interfaces WAN. 1 with dynamic ISP and the other 2, within same subnet but with Static Ip.. I don´t want to use the same interface to run the traffic out to the internet and the VPN at the same time toghether . I want each interface running it own traffic.
But thanks for the help @Derelict . -
So your internet connection is what exactly 10ge? Multiple gig over a 10ge interface.. Multiple smartjacks... How exactly is this isp connection with multiiple IPs presented to you? Is it a 802.3bz into a switch and you want to run multiple gig interfaces into the same switch on the same L2 to be able to leverage the higher than gig connection?
Unless your bandwidth is higher than what your interface can handle at the physical layer - there is zero reason not to use just a vip or a vlan, etc.
I have 100mbps internet with /24 for ips - why would I need multiple physical interfaces to use all those IPs if I have gig interface?