IMspector update (0.8-0) broke log viewer badly
I used IMspector 0.4 (earlier version in Package handler, in 1.2.2) and when I saw that there was a new one released a few days ago - the 0.8-0 - I installed it.
But when I looked at the log viewer it looked… awful! Multiple blank lines (up to around 10 in many places) and weird wrappings of portions of sentences in a way that looked random. Nothing like this has shown earlier. The log viewer is close to unusable as is now, if having large log files.
Help! How do I fix it? I don't know if it matters, but those logs are all from MSN.
Also, where do I see the new features in the GUI, there are features like inserting messages etc mentioned on the IMspector website for this version number but I don't recall seeing anything of that in the package GUI.
If this isn't fixed in a soon future update, how do I revert back to previous version, is there a way of getting older versions into the internal package installer/handler somehow?
This has already been covered in the other IMSpector thread.
This has already been covered in the other IMSpector thread.
Perhaps one should starta a new thread when the old one's subject don't match any more..?
I'll take a closer look at the latest posts..