Version 2.4.3_1 not available anymore causing XMLRPC Sync to fail.
I installed two weeks ago pfSense with the ISO: pfSense-CE-2.4.3-RELEASE-amd64.iso
After the fresh installation I could do an update to:
Current Base System: 2.4.3_1
Latest Base System: 2.4.3_1
Status: Up to date.
2.4.3-RELEASE-p1 (amd64)
built on Thu May 10 15:02:52 CDT 2018
FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p10Today I instaleld my seconday pfSense node with the purpose of having a HA setup: CARP, State Sync. and Config Sync. with the same ISO.
After the installation there was no update available:
Current Base System: 2.4.3
Latest Base System: 2.4.3
Status: Up to date.
2.4.3-RELEASE (amd64)
built on Mon Mar 26 18:02:04 CDT 2018
FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p7As you can see the newly installed pfSense won't update to the same release on the one installed 2 weeks ago.
I continued the installation anyway, but when doing the "Configuration Synchronization Settings (XMLRPC Sync)" the config wasn't copied over to my secondary node. When going through the System Logs I found the following:
php-fpm 415 /rc.filter_synchronize: XMLRPC reload data success with (pfsense.host_firmware_version).
php-fpm 415 /rc.filter_synchronize: XMLRPC versioncheck: 17.9 -- 18.0
php-fpm 415 /rc.filter_synchronize: The other member is on a different configuration version of pfSense. Sync will not be done to prevent problems!I would like to continue my installation, but since the 1st system (the oldest installation, but with a newer version) is allready running in a live environment I cannot re-install this one.
Is there a way to get the same update on the newly installed system, or to downgrade the other system (without losing my current config) to the same version, so I can get the config sync to work?
Tnx in advance for any reply!
Do you sure have working internet access with your secondary node to perform the Update?
Maybe just some issue with the Update server, i'd wait some hours and then try again.-Rico
It didn't occur to me that the internet connection could be the issue, since it says "retrieving information" and then give a green message "This system is on the latest version" so I assumed it had internet connection.
And after searching in this forum for "2.4.3_1" I saw a lot of issues with it, so I assumed it was maybe withdrawn.
(too much assumptions it seems)
But it seems you are right , I made a typo while assigning the Vlan to the WAN interface, so indeed it doesn't have an internet connection.
I want to correct this now, changing the Vlan on the interface; if I want to do this via the console, it gives a message that all my Vlans will be cleared. (I have 12 interfaces with Vlans configured).
Is there a way to change the Vlan Tag on 1 interface without clearing them all? -
Hi, use the guitar.
Interface -> assignment. Then click vlan. Here you can add a new with correct Id or change assignment. -
When I try to change the Vlans I get a message:
The following input errors were detected:
•The VLAN tag cannot be changed while the interface is assigned.But in "Interfaces/ Interface Assignments" the WAN is the first interface , hence the only one that doesn't have a delete button.
I cannot temporary assign another network port since they are all in use, and I cannot create a new one in the console because then I will clear all my Vlans config.
----while typing I thought of the workaround----
-I deleted one of the other interfaces (OPT11)
-assigned the network port of that interface to my WAN connection
-Changed the Vlan of the WAN Network Port
-Reassign the Network port with the correct Vlan to the interface
-Recreate the deleted OPT11 interface and assign it's original network port.Not a clean way of working , but it did the trick.
Now I'm updating the version and I'll get my config Sync working.Thank you thesurf & Rico for the very valuable help!