IPS performance on Dell R210 II?
I have spectrum 940Mb down and 35Mb up and im wondering if I can enable IPS without bottlenecking my network. This will be my first Pfsense build my USG pro died and I wanted to try something diffrent.
This is what I ordered https://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Dell-Poweredge-R210-II-1U-Server-Xeon-E3-1220-3-10-GHz-8GB-500GB-Rails/372413160366?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649
I was running a test to an E3-1225v2 earlier and accidentally left Suricata running on the WAN. It still passed traffic at Gigabit line rate without a problem.That was an artificial test of large packets and the CPU required by IPS is largely dependent on how it's configured. I would expect it to be possible though you might have to tune it rather than just selecting everything.
Thanks for the reply you were correct.
I’m running Suricata and Pfblockerng and Ntop and I’m able to speed test at my full connection. This is something I couldn’t do with my USG Pro with IPS disabled, so I am very pleased. CPU usage when doing multiple speed tests hits around 60%.
Great. Thanks for the follow-up.