Traffic Shaper makes things worse!
Okay, I downloaded and installed pfSense last night and so far I like it a lot! However, I must not be using the traffic shaper correctly.
Heres the problem. My roommate uses bittorrent 24/7 and it kills all of our bandwidth, even surfing the net is slow. I ran the traffic shaper wizard and did the p2pcatchall option to lower its priority and everything else a higher priority. I did a bandwidth speed test to find out that our bandwidth is still killed (from 6000Mb/s to less than 1000Mb/s). Now when I disabled the traffic shaper the bandwidth speed tests consistently showed up slightly higher than with it on!
Now, is there a way to limit bittorrent's bandwidth to like 20% max?
Any help is appreciated!
Edit: I should add that I am using Beta4… and I see that RC1 was JUST released... DOH!! ;D
Upgrade to RC1. Follow the tips in the traffic shaper thread. Search the forum for p2pCatchAll.