Failback from Primary WAN after failover to Secondary WAN
Hello. Is there a new version of the script to work on 22.05?
So far I have found this option. connections when changing gateway. Works correctly on 22.05
But of course I would like a working script from this discussion.
pfSense 2.6 here. Still same problem :-(
For me, this is the main problem with pfSense. Because of this bug, I will lose expensive 4g traffic
This problem is real and I do two things to limit unnecessary expense.
I use Tello for my LTE service and limit it to 1GB ($6). The most I can lose is 6 bucks. If I need the connection to last longer, I can log on to tello from my phone and add funds or change the plan to unlimited. The gateway then comes back online.
I have an alert when LTE traffic exceeds a threshold so I can investigate. The alert system uses telegraf/influxdb/grafana and pushover.
This is fundamental to a decent Fw in todays world.
If PfSense intend to play a part in that world, this is basic stuff that needs to be fixed asap.