Pfsense CARP switch without reason from MASTER/BACKUP randomly
We have two firewalls pfsense cluster High Availability. We noticed that several times, primary pfsense switch automatically CARP from master to backup and secondary pfsense switch automatically CARP from backup to master without reason. Few seconds after reswicth on normal state. We had recently upgraded to latest stable release pfsense 2.4.4-RELEASE but problem persist. Do you have any ideas about this problem and help to us ?
Thanks a lot by advance for your support
The only way I have ever seen that happen is due to a switch/L2 problem. That is unlikely to be a bug or a flaw in the pfSense configuration.
If you could share the output of
ifconfig -a
from both systems in a working state that would be something useful to compare. You can mask out any private info. -
Please see result on attachments file of command executed on two pfsense (master/backup)
Thank you very much for your feedback
A bit hard to compare with them being screenshots instead of plain text, but I didn't see anything that stood out there in the interfaces.
If you can catch the output of
ifconfig -a
again when the status is incorrect it would be useful to compare the good vs failed output. -
Thank you for your feedback. In general, problem occurred during night. How I can schedule executed command ifconfig -a when carp switch automatically without reason ? Do you have a method ?
Thanks a lot for your support at this topic
There isn't a good mechanism to do that. If it happens randomly in the middle of the night, there must be something happening at the time that it occurs. Maybe your switch gets overloaded with overnight backup traffic, for example.
Maybe his ISP is rebooting his modem and the interface goes down.