Gateways WAN_DHCP is Offline
I happened to login to my pfSense computer, 2.4.4-RELEASE (amd64), and I noticed on the dashboard that in the Gateways section, the WAN_DHCP is Offline with 100% Loss. I have read a couple of posts on this but I'm not clear why this could be happening to my system. I am having intermittent internet activity as well. I've attached 3 screenshots with the IP redacted. Any ideas why this may be happening? Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you.
Most likely, if you have any connectivity, is that the ISPs gateway device does not respond to ping.
Try setting the monitor IP for that gateway to a different external address. Edit the gateway in System > Routing.
stephenw10...Thank you for the response. Interestingly, I restarted a couple of times and now it's Online. I don't know why but it seems to be working now.