Reload Factory Config from Console?
Just received an SG-5100 yesterday, made a mistake and got locked out of the Web GUI.
I then connected to the console and would like to reload the factory configuration, but it only has 4 menu choices, and that's not one of them. The other pfSense menu I have seen (could be the Community Edition) has more choices, one of which is to reset to factory defaults.
Just wondering how to do it.
Can you attach screenshot of Console?
This is an instruction for Console access: -
Here is an image of the pfSense menu. I experimented and pressed Boot Options. It then took me to a page where one choice was "Reset to Factory Defaults."
I'll let you know how I make out.
In the interest of helping other people with the SG-5100, here is the other screen I mentioned.
When the screen appears above, click the spacebar to pause the menu. You have 2 seconds to do this.
After the menu is paused, press o for Boot Options. At that point, the following screen will display.
Press d to load system defaults. Then press 1 to get back to main menu. It says to press Backspace, but this didn't work for me.
When you back on the main menu, press 4 to reboot the console.
That should restore the factory configuration.
Hope that helps someone.
That does not do a factory reset of pfSense settings. It only resets the options on that screen (and maybe other manual loader prompt tweaks)
Okay, thank you. That makes sense because doing what I outlined above didn't solve my problem.