Virtual IP and NAT Troubleshooting
I have a WAN IP configured and works for one Exchange Server with all the port forwarding working great.
I got six additional IP's from the ISP and I created a Virtual IP configured with IP Alias.
Need to point the Virtual IP to another Exchange box and configure the port forwarding. Cant seem to do it. When I ping the Virtul IP internally I get a reply but when I try for example RDP for an external source it does not work.
What I did was
Firewall -> NAT -> Port Forward -> Add
Interface -> WAN
Protocol -> TCP/UDP
Destination -> (Virtual IP)
Destination Port Range -> MS RDP
Redirect target IP -> (Local Server IP)
Redirect target port -> MS RDP
NAT reflection -> Use system default.
Where is my mistake? Need help.
So this is basic port forward troubleshooting issue.
For starters RDP open to the public - Would NOT suggest!!! If you need to rdp to some server on your network, vpn into your network than access.
Please look over the troubleshooting guide back if you have specific questions.. My guess off the top without any details at all would be your servers firewall... Out of the box windows sure and hell not going to allow rdp from some public IP.. Out of the box only the local network can rdp, etc.