couple of question about pfSense
Hi everyone,
I want to know pfSense support these feature list:
1-check Source IP/port (for 1000 different nodes) there is no single LAN or WAN , each connection has completely different source and destination IP/Port.
2-check Destination IP/Port (for 1000 different nodes) there is no single LAN or WAN each connection has completely different source and destination IP/Port.
3-for encrypt connection able to add public & private key for both side of connection.
4-check message content if not meet rule drop connection. and with custom rules that able us to define and modify it e.g sometimes need to pass all contents.
5-define costume method to store logs and set different level of log.Thanks,
More details needed.
You can firewall traffic by source/destination IP/port however you want. You just need to define rules for it.
What sort of encryption? VPN?
What sort of message? What traffic? http, https?
What do you want to log? Where do you want to log it?
Hi stephenw10,
I want use SSL or TLS connection for each connection (TCP connection, payload section of packet )and send string that include numbers and characters from machine A to B and need to check this string by firewall if it is not meet condition won't send it to destination.
A send "1234"
Firewall verify string (1234)
B revived "1234"A send "1237"
Firewall verify string (1234)
B revived "error no data received"I'm just carious to know pfSense work in this way or do you suggest another open source tools that work like this?
You want to be able to decrypt random SSL/TLS TCP traffic, inspect the packet contents and filter based on that?
No, you can't do that, short answer.
If you proxied the traffic in pfSense you might be bale to do it using custom rules in Snort/Suricata. I've never seen anyone do that though.