How to use pfSense as a firewall for my already deployed VPN server?
I have a SoftEther VPN server that I would like to put behind a pfSense instance (probably would deploy it on Vultr/Digital Ocean) so that all internet access gets routed through the pfSense instance so that it gets total control as if this pfSense was the main hardware gateway of that VPN server.
I know I can use pfSense in itself as a VPN server, but I would love to use my current SoftEther VPN setup as it provides more VPN capabilities than what I would get with pfSense's.Is this scenario possible?
My SoftEther VPN is running on CentOS 7.5.Thanks in advance.
Yeah why is there any question to if such a thing is possible. Yeah you can put anything you want behind pfsense and get to it..
My question is about this weird setup (as I am not that good at networking and etc.), specifically how could it be possible "on paper" to route the connection from the VPN server to run through a pfSense instance running on a totally different network and that both of them the server and the pfSense instance are going to be visible to each other only on the internet.
Putting a vpn server behind a edge router can be problematic yes.. Your trouble is making sure you don't run into asymmetrical traffic..
Normally you would put your vpn server into a transit network off your edge..
Running the vpn on the actual edge router is so much easier.